Selected Books
[ezcol_1half] [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Biodesign: Nature + Science + Creativity by William Myers is a book published by The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and Thames & Hudson worldwide. First published 2012. Kudla’s “Growth Pattern” featured.
Art + Science Now: How scientific research and technological innovation are becoming key to 21st-century aesthetics by Stephen Wilson and published by Thames & Hudson worldwide. First published 2010. Kudla’s “Search for Luminosity” featured.
Vida: Art and Artificial Life, 1999 – 2012. A book featuring award winners from the Vida competition. Published by Fundación Telefónica, 2012. Kudla’s “Growth Pattern” featured.
Microsoft Art Collection: 25 Years of Celebrating Creativity and Inspiring Innovation. A book featuring works in the Microsoft Art Collection. Published by Microsoft Corporation, 2012. Kudla’s “Manicured Field (Diptych)” featured.
SelecteD magazines & Newspapers
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The Beauty of Bacteria by Julie Lasky, published in the New York Times, January 16, 2013. Kudla’s “Growth Pattern” featured.
Es Lebt! by published in Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany, 2013. Interview of Allison Kudla.
Robots Refined by Daniel Cressey, published in Nature, 2008. Kudla’s “Search for Luminosity” featured.
Budding Artist by Alexandra Taylor, published in ASBMB Today, 2016. Interview with Allison Kudla.
Consilience Program at Institute for Systems Biology: Partnering with Cornish. Illustrator/Animator David Bolinksy Visits Cornish, published in Cornish Magazine, February 2016. Article hightlighting the Consilience Program, started by Kudla, and its intersection with Cornish College of the Arts.
The Evolution of Biomimicry by Allison Kudla, published in the “STEAM” issue of Arcade Magazine, March 2013.
[/ezcol_1half_end]Selected Catalogues & Exhibition materials
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Globale: Exo-Evolution, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2016. Kudla’s “Capacity for (urban eden, human error)” presented.
Biodesign: On the Cross-Pollination of Nature, Science and Creativity, New Institute, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2014. Kudla’s “Growth Pattern” presented.
Alter Nature: We Can, Z33, Hasselt, Belgium, 2011. Kudla’s “Growth Pattern” presented.
When Process Becomes Paradigm, LABORAL, Gijon, Spain, 2010. Kudla’s “Growth Pattern” presented.
Cyberarts: Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, 2010. Kudla’s “Capacity for (urban eden, human error)” awarded and presented.
ArtSySTEM, Speaker Series, USU, Logan, Utah, US, 2016.